Sunday, January 31, 2010

13 bancos de imágenes gratuitos

13 bancos de imágenes gratuitos
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Diseñadores gráficos, diseñadores web, poetas, escritores, mercadólogos, arquitectos, ingenieros, dibujantes, estudiantes, bloguers, artistas creativos y amas de casa, siempre están en la búsqueda constante de imágenes de uso libre. Pensando en ellos, el día de hoy les presento la colección 13 bancos de imágenes gratuitos. Explore y descubra más de 100,000 imágenes y fotografías que le harán ahorrarse mucho dinero. Dé rienda suelta su imaginación. Ya no hay excusas. Aprovechando el espacio, le invito a ver mi reciente creación titulada "Semáforos en el cielo".

Dirty Harry Meets Rain Man


MadTV actually predicted the future: Apple I-Pad



GRAFFITI BUCHSTABEN,graffiti letters,graffiti alphabet

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ferrari Logo Photos



GRAFFITI BUCHSTABEN,graffiti letters,graffiti alphabet

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Valentines Day Ideas

Fun Valentines Day Ideas, February 14 is a day of fun for young and old! This is a day to think about people we love and celebrate the friendship and kindness. That is one of my favorite winter vacation when the young kids like I love all the excitement of the parties at school, Scouts and Sunday School. It is the rest of the winter weary! I enjoy going to the store to let them each choose their own Valentines Day IdeasValentines. Back then "the computer printables" not in the vocabulary, if you can believe it! We bought an old box of cards that tore apart the perforated line. They like to choose their own theme, was in Ninja Turtles, Super Heroes, Care Bears, or Cabbage Patch Kids. Yes, I'll date myself when I look back on these years! Then we will take the boxes and each will wrap and decorate their individual mailboxes own! As Valentines began to arrive from relatives; into the box they will go until Valentines Day Ideas!

In our house, we always add components to give to the day. We will bake and give home made cookies for elderly neighbors. We will collect coins in a big decorated Valentines Day Ideas pitcher that we've decorated after long after Christmas and Valentines Day Ideashave fun watching it grow. On Valentines Day we would count the coin and decide where we will donate the money. One year it was the local volunteer Fire Department as a child I thought since the red truck and Santa always visited the city with the firemen every year, that they should accept the gift. We made a gift to all the grandparents, who are still there today at Grandma and Grandpa's house! We tried to make the kids focus on the ideas of love and attention and fun to receive.

Over the years we have been doing different things to celebrate on the actual day, but their all-time favorite is "Sweet Treat" special. From the moment they wake up, Valentines Day Ideasthey can eat their meals in whatever order they want. I put all the food on the table from main dishes to desserts, and they can eat in whatever order they want! Perhaps the worst idea ever and I absolutely will most likely be reprimanded by nutritionists and pediatricians together, but they are all grown now and no worse for wear and continues to be one of their favorite memories of Valentines Day Ideas!

When they got older, my husband and I started to grow Valentines Day Ideas party. Sometimes dinner with friends and then go back to our house for dessert. Another time was a cocktail party or gathering dessert and drinks. We will always close the evening with a fun game and I really think that was the highlight of the party.

By Carol Eiseman

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Miradas de Haiti (recopilación)

Miradas de Haiti (recopilación)
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Miradas de Haití, es la cuarta parte de la colección de imágenes dedicadas a crear conciencia sobre la magnitud de este desastre natural que ha cobrado la vida de miles de personas en Puerto Príncipe y sus alrededores. Una vez más, The Big Picture nos permite libre acceso a un foto reportaje de valor documental que nos acerca a una tragedia que será imposible de olvidar.
[parte I]|[parte II]|[parte III]|[parte IV]

50 hermosas imágenes HDR de 50 ciudades del mundo

50 hermosas imágenes DHR de 50 ciudades del mundo
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Quienes se dedican a la fotografía, saben que para obtener un efecto HDR sobre las imágenes, se deben realizar una serie de procesos usando para ello software de edición de imágenes como Photoshop, filtros, un caudal de conocimientos y demasiada imaginación. Por lo tanto, debemos valorar sinceramente el trabajo final de estos grandes artistas.

Los animales no actúan por instinto, tienen sentimientos.

Los animales no actúan por instinto, tienen sentimientos.
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Algunas personas dicen que los animales actúan por instinto. Personalmente pienso que no es verdad. Si analizamos con cuidado las fotografías de esta galería, podemos descubrir una enorme derrama de sentimientos entre los padres e hijos de estos lindos seres que nos harán reflexionar seriamente sobre nuestra forma de ver la vida animal.

15 wallpapers gigantes de tigres muy lindos

15 wallpapers gigantes de tigres muy lindos
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Si al igual que yo, adoras a estos hermosos felinos, no dejes ir la oportunidad de descargar sin ningún costo nuestras 15 fotografías en alta resolución de estos tiernos y peludos gatos enormes.

100 fotografías tomadas por el telescopio espacial Hubble

100 fotografías tomadas por el telescopio espacial Hubble
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Para los amantes de la Astronomía, el Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas se complace en hacerles llegar 100 fotografías seleccionadas que han sido tomadas por las cámaras en alta resolución del telescopio espacial Hubble.

50 fotografías de la Anorexia y la Bulimia

50 fotografías de la Anorexia y la Bulimia
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Los transtornos alimenticios son muy comunes en las adolescentes. Actualmente, se sabe que hay miles de chicas que hacen hasta lo imposible por verse delgadas como una barbie o igual que las modelos del cine y la TV. Sin embargo, desconocen por completo el daño que están haciéndole a su organismo y las consecuencias mortales a las que este tipo de prácticas conllevan. Descubra las acciones y reacciones de la Anorexia y la Bulimia en más de 50 fotografías explícitas. Si lo prefiere, lea nuestro artículo.



GRAFFITI BUCHSTABEN,graffiti letters,graffiti alphabet

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life sucks when even the birds give you a finger

funny animals

Twitter Political Roast---Political Roast---Domain Names

Dirty minds can see it

Half-Court Wackiness

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Valentine Cards

How to present your Valentine cards really means a lot. You should look for in all the right places so you can get good ideas. Valentines presents, you need to think about what other people think. This is not just about packaging but also about words and style you choose to use. Valentine CardsHowever, the way you now they will be determined by several factors. The first thing is the receiver. Ask yourself what would the cards will go to? This will help you customize each one to the specifications required. This is to say that when you send and their presentation, you need to personally and take into account the personality of a particular person. You can send them to different people in your life on Valentines like your parents, friends, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers and sisters and other relatives. There are those Valentine cards that need more consideration. However, this does not mean that you ignore the card and presentation for some people.

However, when you are presenting them to your husband or wife, you'll need to do more than when you are presenting to your friends. People closest in our lives is more important and very important to strengthen the relationship of the house. If you Valentine Cardsare looking for a good Valentine cards to present to your partner, you will have to consider many things. The point is to impress or to get a big or wild reactions. However, it is important for you to relax and focus instead on how they would react wildly to the perfect Valentine cards; focus on love and affection you will be able to communicate through this card. This is not all about the customized design or color that beautifully tailored but express what you feel for one another as you support your union with the commitment and dedication. Love really has made cosmetics by men; was evident in how many Valentine cards now. Not just one day to beat each other that can produce the best Valentine's card with a very good right now; it is really about treating people we love.

Valentine CardsOf course, this must be caring and love not just for one day and, very important that you present Valentine card, you explain that you are in a relationship to stay. Now they are in a way that will attract and friendly. You can do this by playing with different colors. You can also choose to make your Valentine cards by hand. This is due to hand made items will be in a position to look more real. Lovers of truly appreciate such a thought and this is an opportunity to enter personal themes and even to see what I can please them in connection with the presentation style. For the words of many choose to go with a poem or song lyrics. If you know a good song that would work well, why not go with it. You'll be glad you did; love you'll only get better.

By Francis K Githinji

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Devilish Alphabet Graffiti : Letter A-Z


alphabet graffiti,graffiti letter a-z
Devilish Alphabet Graffiti : Letter A-Z

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GRAFFITI BUCHSTABEN,graffiti alphabet,graffiti alphabet

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Postales para el día 14 de febrero

18 Postales para el día 14 de febrero
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Aprovechando que seguimos muy amorosos y en espera del próximo día 14 de febrero, traemos para ustedes la segunda parte de imágenes de amor. En esta ocasión, te ofrecemos de manera gratuita, 18 postales para celebrar en grande una fecha tan especial como lo es el día de San Valentín. No dejes ir la oportunidad de expresar tus sentimientos. [primera parte][segunda parte]

50 fotografías de animales muy divertidos

50 fotografías de animales muy divertidos
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Fotografías coloreadas y lindas sorpresas

Fotografías coloreadas y lindas sorpresas
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Dibujos e inventos de Leonardo da Vinci

Dibujos e inventos de Leonardo da Vinci
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Imágenes bonitas by Round Here

Imágenes bonitas by Round Here
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Colecciones especiales de Judy Arndt

Colecciones especiales de Judy Arndt
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25 Amazing Snowflake Photography

Imágenes de los copos de nieve
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GRAFFITI BUCHSTABEN,graffiti letters,graffiti alphabet

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alphabet graffiti,graffiti letter a-z

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Telugu Actress Payal Setti Sexy Photos

Sugared Alphabet Graffiti Stickers : Letter A-Z


alphabet graffiti,graffiti letter a-z
Sugared Alphabet Graffiti Stickers : Letter A-Z

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

IQ Test

i got 8 out of 11. Let's see how you do.

Paper Alphabet Graffiti "Letter"


alphabet graffiti,graffiti alphabet
Paper Alphabet Graffiti "Letter"

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Carrefour Logo Photos

Total SA Logo Photos

Short Love Poems

Looking for a way to write a short love poems? Look no more than haiku poetry! Haiku poetry shortest possible stay in the world! In a few words, the sentiments may be expressed. But how to write them you ask? It's easy! Look at this short love poems:

Spring wind --

hand accidentally

graze mine

Short Love PoemsHere we have a scene where we know what the time of the year. We also know the kind of day it is ... relaxed. Now, the next two lines describe an event that happened in "real-time." Because that's what haiku is all about. It's about current events. What could be more quickly and suggestive love than what is happening as it happens?

To write haiku, you have to learn how to save themselves from the western poeticShort Love Poems devices like analogies, similes, and metaphors. Haiku trying to describe events in simple and plain. You must be good at writing what haiku poet Ray Rasmussen rightly called "the first-order mind sense impressions." This distance describes how to write haiku just means you need to see what is happening now, not what happened in the past or what might happen in the future.

For example, the phrase "my hands Short Love Poemsaccidentally graze" describes an event that occurred. No ornament with flowery language. Simple describes what happens in the present. Many people think that writing haiku is easy. That's because they do not understand how to write haiku. Short love poems the haiku way is unique way to express your feelings for someone else. To do this, think first to write a phrase, then, combine with a sentence fragment and you've just written your first haiku poems of love!
By Edward A. Weiss

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